Ships are technically complex, and they are bought and sold in an international market that is extremely volatile. Beryl Rhovic provides timely and accurate information to their clients, while introducing a mediatory interface and providing absolute sanctuary between sellers, buyers and intermediaries to ease the closure of a big sale by:

  • Putting the seller and buyer in contact with one another.
  • Render opinions on vessel valuations.
  • Assist in the obtaining of ship finance.
  • Act as escrow agent.
  • Assist in the negotiation of the sales contract.
  • Draft the S and P agreement.
  • Assist in obtaining the vessel’s inspection and survey.
  • Obtain abstracts of title and render opinions on any title issues.
  • Resolve any preexisting maritime lien issues.
  • Preparation of documentation for vessel registration.
  • Assist in resolving any disputes arising out of the transaction.

Liens could have been incurred against the vessel for any number of Seller, as the Seller shipowner, may owe wages to the crew or may not have paid for vessel repairs or drydocking. Similarly, the vessel may have allied with a dock or a bridge causing extensive property damage or damaged a shipper’s cargo on an earlier voyage.

Besides, certain maritime liens may have arisen against the vessel through no fault of the Seller. For example, the Seller (shipowner) may have time chartered the ship to a time charterer that failed to pay for bunkers, or stevedoring or other goods and services ordered by the time charterer on behalf of the vessel. The existence of a lien can delay or thwart a sales transaction. Therefore, sale and purchase of vessels can be complicated. Great professionalism and expertise is needed in this important business, that’s where Beryl Rhovic comes in.

Setting up sale and Sale and Purchase transaction

Vessels are routinely sold for cash, free of charters, mortgages and maritime liens. No two sale and purchase transactions are completely alike. However, a fairly routine transaction might involve the following:

  • The listing of the vessel for sale with Beryl Rhovic.
  • Negotiation of the price and other terms of the sales contract.
  • Preparation of the sales agreement.
  • An inspection by the buyer of the vessel. (Beryl Rhovic nominated for inspections)
  • The payment of funds and the closing of title.
  • Beryl Rhovic’s contract forms set forth contract terms such as:
  • The details of the vessel.
  • Amount and method of payment.
  • Any escrow money required.
  • The nature of the vessel inspection (drydock, underwater, sea trials, etc.).
  • Inspection of the vessel’s documents such as classification society records.
  • Time and place of delivery.
  • Spare parts, bunkers, or other items included in the vessel’s sale.
  • Condition of the vessel on delivery.
  • Responsibility for any taxes or fees.
  • Documents required at closing.
  • Remedies in the event of the seller’s or buyer’s default.
  • Arbitration or other dispute resolution clause.


Our service includes acting as the client’s freight and logistics department, coordinating cargo movements from conception to delivery at the final destination. We accomplish this by understanding your requirements, checking our network and the market to locate the most suitable vessel with the best ship owner. We then facilitate that contract from charter party to invoice finalization. 
We understand that ship chartering can seem like a daunting job for one who is experienced in logistics, but new to shipping. Don’t worry, at Beryl Rhovic we have experience in guiding businesses through the process of chartering vessels. Helping traders, producers, and manufacturers move product from point A to point B, continuing the process of globalization.   

Our service includes acting as the client’s freight and logistics department, coordinating cargo movements from conception to delivery at the final destination. We accomplish this by understanding your requirements, checking our network and the market to locate the most suitable vessel with the best ship owner. We then facilitate that contract from charter party to invoice finalization. 
We understand that ship chartering can seem like a daunting job for one who is experienced in logistics, but new to shipping. Don’t worry, at Beryl Rhovic we have experience in guiding businesses through the process of chartering vessels. Helping traders, producers, and manufacturers move product from point A to point B, continuing the process of globalization.   

There are three main types of charter we fully engage in:

A demise charter, or bareboat, is an arrangement for the hiring of a vessel whereby no administration or technical maintenance is included as part of the agreement. The charterer obtains possession and full control of the vessel along with the legal and financial responsibility for it. The charterer pays for all operating expenses, including fuel, crew, port expenses and P&I and hull insurance. In commercial demise chartering, a subtype of bareboat chartering, the charter period may last for many years and may end with the charterer acquiring title (ownership) of the ship. In this case, a demise charter is a form of hire-purchase from the owners, who may well have been the shipbuilders. Demise chartering is common for tankers and bulk-carriers.

A voyage charter is the hiring of a vessel and crew for a voyage between a load port and a discharge port. The charterer pays the vessel owner on a per-ton or lump-sum basis. The owner pays the port costs (excluding stevedoring), fuel costs and crew costs. The payment for the use of the vessel is known as freight. A voyage charter specifies a period, known as laytime, for loading and unloading the cargo. If laytime is exceeded, the charterer must pay demurrage. If laytime is saved, the charter party may require the shipowner to pay despatch to the charterer.

A time charter is the hiring of a vessel for a specific period of time; the owner still manages the vessel but the charterer selects the ports and directs the vessel where to go. The charterer pays for all fuel the vessel consumes, port charges, commissions, and a daily hire to the owner of the vessel.


⦁ Freight estimates, market research, market evaluation
⦁ Advise both Owners and Charterers of contract deadlines
⦁ Evaluate viability of shipping to certain destinations
⦁ Charter party creation
⦁ Voyage monitoring and problem resolution
⦁ Cargo scheduling recommendation and planning
⦁ Recommending how to ship the cargo, whether through a COA or a spot shipment
⦁ Preparation of laytime calculations
⦁ Collection of port information


From market analysis to investment decision support, advisory valuation and consultancy services, Beryl Rhovic Ltd (BRL) offers high level, independent market forecasting and business advisory services for shipping, offshore and allied industries.
For over 10 years, BRL has developed integrated relationships with a diverse client base of financial institutions, ship owners, shipyards, brokers, investors, insurers and equipment and service providers.
BRL’s expertise covers a broad range of shipping and offshore sectors providing clients with a combination of sector reports, forecasting models, vessel valuations and bespoke consultancy services.
Our engineering team which is made up of a team of well season PHD holders and hands on the job professionals who against all odd had delivered high profile technical services to our clients across America, Asia, Europe, and Africa, are never tired of going out there to make sure our clients are happy, even in the fiercest of weather condition, we take care of your vessel’s electrical and mechanical needs.
Our professional expertise is second to none in the industry, and we are proud to introduce ourselves as the giant of the maritime solution providers

From market analysis to investment decision support, advisory valuation and consultancy services, Beryl Rhovic Ltd (BRL) offers high level, independent market forecasting and business advisory services for shipping, offshore and allied industries.
For over 10 years, BRL has developed integrated relationships with a diverse client base of financial institutions, ship owners, shipyards, brokers, investors, insurers and equipment and service providers.
BRL’s expertise covers a broad range of shipping and offshore sectors providing clients with a combination of sector reports, forecasting models, vessel valuations and bespoke consultancy services.
Our engineering team which is made up of a team of well season PHD holders and hands on the job professionals who against all odd had delivered high profile technical services to our clients across America, Asia, Europe, and Africa, are never tired of going out there to make sure our clients are happy, even in the fiercest of weather condition, we take care of your vessel’s electrical and mechanical needs.
Our professional expertise is second to none in the industry, and we are proud to introduce ourselves as the giant of the maritime solution providers


It is our aim to provide our clients around the globe with high quality ships and service with consistency, while keeping up our high supervision and technical competence. We achieve this aim thanks to our capable and highly specialized staffs who are at your service when it comes to dealing with your ship building and Ship building supervision requirements. With our ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staffs we have been fulfilling increasingly demanding requirements by assisting in the manufacturing of efficient high performance vessels for our preferred clients. Our guarantee and achievements in delivering high quality vessels is our commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. We challenge ourselves in meeting ever-changing regulations and new requirement standards. Currently, we represent several of our Clients for New Building designs recommendations and supervision.

It is our aim to provide our clients around the globe with high quality ships and service with consistency, while keeping up our high supervision and technical competence. We achieve this aim thanks to our capable and highly specialized staffs who are at your service when it comes to dealing with your ship building and Ship building supervision requirements. With our ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staffs we have been fulfilling increasingly demanding requirements by assisting in the manufacturing of efficient high performance vessels for our preferred clients. Our guarantee and achievements in delivering high quality vessels is our commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. We challenge ourselves in meeting ever-changing regulations and new requirement standards. Currently, we represent several of our Clients for New Building designs recommendations and supervision.

Vessel design

 Vessel specification

Pre-qualification of shipyard


Shipyard selection

Contract negotiation

 Commercial closing

 Commercial closing



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